Payment is due at the time of the work carried out, by cash, cheque or online transfer, unless by prior arrangement. Invoices should be settled within seven days.
Please note that two working days notice should be given to cancel or re-arrange an appointment, otherwise a charge of £30.00 will be payable.
Clients who do not book ahead will be automatically entered into the automated email tuning reminder system on the Pianoforte Tuners’ Association’s website:
http://pianotuner.org.uk/pta13.htm and/or be contacted by post, email or telephone by myself for a tuning reminder at your desired frequency unless you advise me that you do not want to take advantage of this service.
All contact details will only be used for contacting you regarding your piano and will not be passed onto any other third party.
Owing to the growing number of failed calls and the increasing costs involved, I am having to review the charges for this.
If I am unable to gain access to the piano, the full tuning fee will be charged at the prevailing rate. This is in keeping with most other piano tuners; indeed most businesses who work on an appointment system. See , for examples.
A failed call charge would be reduced to £60.00 if payment is received within seven days.
Reminder texts and/or emails are sent out by an automated system to remind clients to of an upcoming appointment. As these are automated, it is beyond my control, therefore I cannot guarantee their delivery. It is still the client's responsibility to remember their appointment.